What are swimming pool skimmers and how do they work?
The skimmer - one of the most common swimming pool features - has undergone several major design innovations over the years leading to the final result being defined by the material and morphology of the pool edge
Skimmers are the most widespread cleaning system for private and residential swimming pools. Although other more modern systems with a stronger visual impact are becoming increasingly more common (such as the overflow and infinity systems), the skimmer remains a top choice for swimming pools due to the ease with which it can be built and its low maintenance requirements.
What is a skimmer, swimming pool
But, what is a swimming pool skimmer? A skimmer, system consists of a series of openings built in to the walls of a swimming pool. Its purpose is to clean the surface by sucking water into a conduit system. It is an essential part of any pool to ensure proper operation and maintenance.

Function of the skimmer, swimming pool
Another question people have when choosing this system is about how exactly a skimmer works or what a pool skimmer is for. Its main purpose is to filter the water in your swimming pool. Using a built-in suction pump, the system prevents any dirt that might be in the water from settling on the bottom by passing it through a filter. This ensures that the water is kept clean, disinfected and in the proper condition for use.
Swimming pool edges made from extruded tiles can complement the cleaning tasks performed by a skimmer system because they retain some of the larger dirt and prevent any problems with the inner workings of the suction pump
Furthermore, skimmer, construction is based on a standardised coping system in which the water level is maintained about 15-20 cm lower than the pool edge. These special pool edges enhance the skimmer, , system itself by also retaining some of the dirt (such as leaves or insects) and extending the useful life of the system because some of the dirt has already been removed from the water passing through the filter.
The best constructive solutions for swimming pools with a skimmer system use extruded tiles. Its low porosity and resistance to chemical agents, together with its mechanical resistance and ability to withstand sudden temperature changes, make this material the most long-lasting and hygienic in the market for swimming pool coping
Furthermore, opting for the extruded tiles from Exagres to cover swimming pools with a skimmer system not only provides the technical characteristics mentioned above but also offers a broad range of potential designs and finishes. These include collections that offer innovative decorated skimmer edge pieces for all sides of the pool, thereby multiplying the aesthetic options and allowing for complete pool integration.
How many skimmer, do I need for my pool?
The number of skimmers you need will always depend on the size of your pool. However, the standard answer is to install one skimmer for every 25 m3 of water, approximately. To ensure success for your project, Exagres always recommends using the best professionals when building and installing a skimmer system in your swimming pool. 3 de agua. Para el éxito del proyecto, desde Exagres te recomendamos siempre contar con los mejores profesionales para realizar las tareas de construcción e instalación del sistema skimmer en la piscina.